Thursday, August 9, 2012

Types of Computer

2. On the Basis of Size

Super Computer
Multi-user, multiprocessor large computer of very high efficiency and storing capacity is called super computer. Super computer is able to solve very difficult and complex problem within a Nano seconds. Its world length is 64 bits. PARAM Series, ANURAG, CRAY, XMP/14, CDC-205, etc. are some examples.

  • Used to forecast the weather and global climates
  • Used in military research & defense system.
  • In automobile, Aircraft & space craft design.
  • In encrypting & decoding sensitive intelligence information.
  • Study of DNA structure and gene engineering.
  • Digital Film rendering.

Mainframe Computer
Mainframe computer is also very powerful multi-user computer used in large business, organizations, examination department of industries and defense to process data of complex nature. It can response several hundred request very quickly. It uses several CPU for data processing. More than 100 users can use at time because it works on time sharing mode. Its word length is 48 bits to 64 bits. IBM S/390, IBM S/709, ICL 39 are some examples.

  • Government & Civilian
  • Credit card processing
  • Bank Account Management
  •  Marketing
  • Air Traffic Control system
  • Industrial Design

Minicomputers are larger and more powerful than most microcomputer but are smaller and less powerful than most large mainframe computer systems. It is also multi-user computer and supports more than dozens of people at a time. It is costlier than microcomputer. It is also used in university, large business organizations to process complex data. It is also used in scientific research, instrumentation system, engineering analysis and industrial process monitoring and control. PDP-11, VAX, etc. are some examples.

Micro computer

Microcomputers are used in daily purpose. It uses microprocessors. Now a day mostly used computer are microcomputers which we called Home PC or Personal Computer (PC) because it is a single user computer. It supports many high level languages, multimedia, graphics, 3d graphics & games. It is popular among student, professionals due to small size, low cost & low maintenance cost & easy in operation. The internet is popular due to PC & it is available for all income groups. IBM PCs, Apple Mac, IBM PS/2, etc. are some example of microcomputer.

1 comment:

  1. Introduction to Software and Hardware & Information Technology
